Pacu are definitely not a fish for most people to keep. They can get VERY large - 3 - 4', with redbelly pacus being shorter in length than black pacu when full grown. Pacu are long-lived fish that can live 30+ years when kept in the right environment. They also can suddenly die at 2 years of age when kept in poor conditions. Because of their large size, and potential long lives, a person would be looking at a 30+ year commitment with a tank of at least 1,000 in size. Any one not willing to make that commitment should not consider keeping a pacu.
There are two old time members on MFK who kept pacu. One of them had a 10,000 gallon tank that he housed his arapaima and pacus in. He did a build thread where he built a second 5,000 gallon tank adjacent to his first 5,000 gallon tank and then removed the wall between the two tanks.
sam the pima's house is being remodeled.
it is going from 5000 to 10000 gallons. approx 26 x 13x 6
1) remove plex1 from 2400
2) save SS angle
30 remove unwanted block walls from 2400
more to follow
plexi removal....not easy, i made many custom cutting chisels and drove them thru the silicone sealant....all from the top ... longer and longer until all the seal was cut
plexi removed with forklift for polishing before reuse
SS removed for recycle... 4x4x 1/2
note the rebar detail inside the old block wall

His black pacu:
Another member built a 3200 gallon pond for her pacu. He was 28 years old when he died in a catastrophic tank fail that killed most of the other fish in the tank.

It was a devastating loss.
Unless a person is willing to make a very long term comittment to a fish and also provide adequate housing for a very large fish, they should not consider keeping pacu.
Red belly pacu
Black pacu (and yup, black pacu have more green and red as adults than red belly pacu which tend to lose all their red and be basically dark)