perfect_prefect;4129414; said:that tank would be good for a titan trigger and a bumblebee grouper than, you could have a group of smaller fish as long as you give them solid hiding places to stay away from the 2 monsters. or go with a live rock pile in the center and do a black tip reef shark that would swim around the outside of the center pile of rocks and keep some smaller fish in there like say a giant school of 2.99 damsels that would get picked off one at a time and have to be replenished regularly.
that sounds pretty rad, i'm not sure how big the garage is as i haven't moved yet, but I can possibly go 12x5x4, and if that's the case i'm going grouper, deffinate black tip or wobby possibly both, ditch te triggers cause i want corals and frags and anemonies(sp) and some cheap little feeder/schooling fish. what do you all think?