question on Black Bar silver dollars...

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
bomber;4438002; said:
Holy smokes, its only a been a week but my baby wide bars are growing already. Even my wife was like, gheez, "you feed them too much.":ROFL:

nice. they sure eat a lot at this size
bomber;4425955; said:
Chen, what scratched up your wide bars like that? Was it each other?

sorry bud, didn't read your message...I think it was from them scooting around and rubbing against my driftwood...driftwood is gone...don't really notice the scratching anymore...i'm sure there's still big deal :-)

Im working on a video of my favorite wide bar. Ill keep you guys posted.
I had a trio of 12-13incher but got rid of them. They are great fish but rough house like there is no tomorrow. They are vacuums at that larger size. But as for schooling characins to go in a tank with bottom and top feeders, they are perfect. I have sense acquired some more but they are around the 3-4in mark. Can't wait to see your video. I have one around here somewhere too.
You guys ever have problems with these guys jumping? Guy at the LFS told me if i lower the water 2-3 inches in my 90 gal they wouldn't jump out.
shua71;4454067; said:
You guys ever have problems with these guys jumping? Guy at the LFS told me if i lower the water 2-3 inches in my 90 gal they wouldn't jump out.
My thin bars 6 inchers will jump when I do water changes in my 80. I keep a heavy rock on the top glass.
Warning, Gangster Rap Pimp Daddy Music from the 90's. Do not watch this if you can not handle pimp jams and text.

Was working on a video of my favorite Wide Bar but I noticed I love them all and I have not had time to mess with editing. So here is just a vid clip of my wide bars 2 weeks later. They all have nice hooks on them now. Pretty fast growing imho.

Those are some very nice EBH's you got there. If you keep feeding them the way you are I would expect around 1" of growth per month. I have noticed they do freak out when I drain to much water out of their tank when I'm doing my water changes. I'm surprised your pangasius haven't eaten any of the fish in your grow out tank, at that size I would be in fear of my fishes lives. I can't want to see the new video. I have never notice mine jumping when the tank is full, I'm thinking they just don't like to be cornered so they try to escape by jumping. I'm so envious that you could find 21, I would have scooped them up to if I had the chance. The odd thing I have noticed with mine is that they don't like to school with the ERH's that I have with them, it might just be a size difference but I'm hopeful that they may school one of these days.
bomber;4456978; said:
Warning, Gangster Rap Pimp Daddy Music from the 90's. Do not watch this if you can not handle pimp jams and text.

Was working on a video of my favorite Wide Bar but I noticed I love them all and I have not had time to mess with editing. So here is just a vid clip of my wide bars 2 weeks later. They all have nice hooks on them now. Pretty fast growing imho.
