Question on treating for internal parasites


Feeder Fish
Nov 13, 2018
hi all,
I am new here and relatively new to the hobby.
I’ll start by saying if this is posted somewhere already please let me know and I’ll carry on in that thread but couldn’t find anything for what I’m asking.

I have 2 Gt’s in a 55 gallon tank, all my water parameters are checked frequently and check out good. I keep my water temperature at 75-77f.
Recently in the past week my larger Gt has been showing signs of internal parasites, stringy white/opaque poop, and he has been mouthing his food and just spitting it out (only goes for one pellet when feeding) he is about 4.5-5 inches. He has become more “shy” for lack of better term and reserved this past week. My other Gt is about 2 inches and goes crazy when eating eats perfectly normal acting like he always has.

So my real question is, if I treat for parasites to clear my Bigger Gt up and get him back to normal health and behavior will this be bad for my smaller Gt since he is perfectly healthy?
I know that first response will be to use a quartine tank, which I do not have currently but am saving money to get all the necessary equipment to effectively run one for when necessary.
Also what medication do you guys recommend to use for internal parasites, I’ve been recommended prazi pro but I have never had to medicate my fish before so all of this is new to me.
Any help you guys can offer is more than appreciative.
Also if you need more information about my aquarium or Gt’s just ask and I will do my best to fill in what ever I missed.

Thanks in advance!
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Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 6, 2011
hi all,
I am new here and relatively new to the hobby.
I’ll start by saying if this is posted somewhere already please let me know and I’ll carry on in that thread but couldn’t find anything for what I’m asking.

I have 2 Gt’s in a 55 gallon tank, all my water parameters are checked frequently and check out good. I keep my water temperature at 75-77f.
Recently in the past week my larger Gt has been showing signs of internal parasites, stringy white/opaque poop, and he has been mouthing his food and just spitting it out (only goes for one pellet when feeding) he is about 4.5-5 inches. He has become more “shy” for lack of better term and reserved this past week. My other Gt is about 2 inches and goes crazy when eating eats perfectly normal acting like he always has.

So my real question is, if I treat for parasites to clear my Bigger Gt up and get him back to normal health and behavior will this be bad for my smaller Gt since he is perfectly healthy?
I know that first response will be to use a quartine tank, which I do not have currently but am saving money to get all the necessary equipment to effectively run one for when necessary.
Also what medication do you guys recommend to use for internal parasites, I’ve been recommended prazi pro but I have never had to medicate my fish before so all of this is new to me.
Any help you guys can offer is more than appreciative.
Also if you need more information about my aquarium or Gt’s just ask and I will do my best to fill in what ever I missed.

Thanks in advance!

Welcome aboard
This will help


Feeder Fish
Nov 13, 2018
Awesome thank you so very much!
So from what I read there I’m assuming that dosing with the medication to cure one infested fish will not harm the currently healthy fish in the tank?


Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 6, 2011
Awesome thank you so very much!
So from what I read there I’m assuming that dosing with the medication to cure one infested fish will not harm the currently healthy fish in the tank?

You could treat the others as well since your not going to separate the infected GT. Whatever med you choose make sure it will not affect your bio media.


Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
May 9, 2007
Northwest Canada
Just an FYI, but that thread was for treating worms, that's what praziquantel is designed to kill, that and external flukes. It's not going to help you with what your fish is suffering from (stringy white/opaque poop,), which sounds more like Spironucleus vortens, aka Hexamita. The medication generally used to treat hex is Metronidazole. You can start with prazi if you want, but I don't believe that is going to resolve your fishes issue.

Good luck.


Feeder Fish
Nov 13, 2018
Wow, great write up that you shared with the link, and thank you, after doing a little digging it actually appears that it may be hexamita. And apparently that’s very common in Gt’s. I like the idea of using epsom salt instead of medications since it’s over all helthier on my fish and from your write up it’s a very effective method of eradicating the problem. I will be going out tomorrow and getting the supplies I need. Since my Gt is not actually consuming food right now would it behoove me to just add the epsom salt directly into my water? If so what sort of dosing should I be doing and how often?


Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
May 9, 2007
Northwest Canada
No, adding to the water will not help. I suggest that you go back and re-read that thread.


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Nov 19, 2007
Great info RD. RD. Never heard of using Epsom salts orally for hexamita. I’m assuming this would be fine for plecos?

@OP, if the fish isn’t eating, you may have to force feed it the food. It’s not for the faint of heart but you may not have an option if it won’t eat


Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
May 9, 2007
Northwest Canada
Yes, magnesium sulphate is fine for plecos. I also mention force feeding in that link.
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Feeder Fish
Nov 13, 2018
No, adding to the water will not help. I suggest that you go back and re-read that thread.
Okay, so I went back an re read the whole thread, I’m almost positive that I will have to go the force feeding route with him. I am going to first try the food soaking method you mentioned. But if he still doesn’t bite would you have any personal pointers on how to force feed? I got a Pipette with a soft end like you stated but I have just never had to do this before and want to make sure that I am doing it in a correct manner. I’ve also never even had to grasp my fish by hand so all of this will be a new learning expierence for me. I tried to do some looking up but couldn’t really find anything on force feeding them.
Thank you again RD for all your help