Questionable Piranha Tank-mates

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
my 75 red belly tank currently is stocked with, 3 red bellies, 5 ruby barbs, 5 cherry barbs, 3 x-ray tetras, and a roseline shark. I have almost never fed my piranhas live, and when i did try to i had to eventually scoop the rosy reds out of the tank because they piranhas would not eat them. So i think their diet of pellet food and frozen foods for 95% of their life have aided in being able to have other fishies in their tank. I've had this set up for like 6 months and havent lost any of the other fish, and I have added live plants to give the other fish someplace to chillax or possible escape the piranhas.
i have two 1-1/2" red belly piranha and two 2-3" bushynose plecos togeather they are fine iam just woundering if i were to get a tiger oscar and i take the pleco's and rbp's out rearange the tank alot and put all 5 fish in would the piranha and oscar get along? ive had the piranha in this tank for 3 weeks
Where do Piranha owners draw the line? Dolphins? Infants? :D

Dolphins are saltwater, that would never work! Also, I find infants a very dull addition to any aquarium, not to mention their bioload is massive. I can't speak for everyon else, but I like my piranha's personality. She's definitely not dull, nor is she a brute. I've seen Oscars attack their own reflections, and kill their perfectly healthy tank mates just because. Dull, Brutes? That sounds about right. You keep your Oscars, and the rest of us here on the PIRANHA sub-forum will go right ahead and keep our piranha, despite your opinion.
I have a 3" standard pleco, 4" idk catfish, and 11 x 3-4" pygos in a 80g. Its only been about a 1 month since the shoal had tankmates but so far so good and casualties..
can i put together with tiger fish?



Wait what?

If anyone doesn't like a species only tank imo piranhas are not for you! Dithers, snails, ghost shrimp and crawfish are where I draw the line.

Personally I can live with a solitary bad *** rhom in a 90, but some people get bored and need more movement...

Go S. Vettel #1 rb8
Update I had to get rid of my oscars and turtles. the pirahna was taking chunks out my turtles and they were big and my oscars were big and were trying to kill my last pirahna. now I have my pirahna and convicts in another tank its been fine for 3months no casulties. I seen 2 hollandi pirahna for sale at lfs wanted to know if there compatible with rbp's anybody know? the hollandi's are same size as my rbp bout 3-4"