Questionable Piranha Tank-mates

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Right now I'm looking for 5 rbp and Green spotted puffers and I don't Think these guys will get along but I do like both of themthem. am I better off just putting a splitter in the tank and house both with a 7.6 pH level or should I purchase a second tank for them Separate from the rbp
Note the rbp have not been introduced yet to my new tank
Right now I'm looking for 5 rbp and Green spotted puffers and I don't Think these guys will get along but I do like both of themthem. am I better off just putting a splitter in the tank and house both with a 7.6 pH level or should I purchase a second tank for them Separate from the rbp
Note the rbp have not been introduced yet to my new tank
They need completely different tanks because green spotted puffers need brackish water
Has anyone ever had success keeping piranha with niger/irwin cats?

never tried armored catfish but i have tried plecos which didnt last
and i had to take them out. only fish that ever lasted more than 6
months were guppies... lol...
Right now I'm looking for 5 rbp and Green spotted puffers and I don't Think these guys will get along but I do like both of themthem. am I better off just putting a splitter in the tank and house both with a 7.6 pH level or should I purchase a second tank for them Separate from the rbp
Note the rbp have not been introduced yet to my new tank
considering the GSP's need brackish water and the P's do better in a softer water generally no this isn't feasible. Also even if the water parameters were similar theres no way those puffers would be alive more than a month or two. Do your research and please don't attempt this.
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I know it’s an old thread, but banded leporinus. If they are bigger than or outnumber the piranhas, they keep the piranhas in place, and can take a beating but keep on swimming.
From my experience, corydora's are pretty decent because they are cheap and they clean out the bottom of the tank. They regenerate their fins very fast so the only way they will die is if the piranhas haven't been fed or it gets sick. They are also pretty smart so they will go where the piranhas won't. For example, one part of my tank was very out in the open and there weren't many plants so the piranhas wouldn't go there. My corydora would just hang out their and only pop out when I put food in the tank. Sadly he did die but this was expected.
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i have tried to keep the following fish with MANY types of piranhas
convicts lasted the longest of all
15 exodons. gone within a week
50 silver tip tetra... gone in 3 days
10-15 small pelcos... gone by morning
16 inch common pleco with 14 inch rhom... still working to this day
8 inch buble bee cichlid gone in 20 mins
i had a 13 inch gold fish live for a week... supprised the hell outa me... but then got eaten
4 raphial catfish... they lasted for 3 months.. then starved to death because they couldnt eat ;/
from my expierence just dont try it... i lost ALOT of money trying different things. ive kept a ton of piranhas
alot of people in my country keep exodon with Manueli. Is that ok ?