Questionable Piranha Tank-mates

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
i got 4 tetras today ( neon tetras ) put them in, my piranha chased them for a while then gave up. i went to my G/F's. . . . . now only 1 remains :nilly: any faster kind of tetras recomdended?
i put 5 neon tetras in my tank with my 2 baby rbps 20 mins later all the neon tetras were gone :X my piranhas are very agressive, should i put a pleco in with them? hes med. size, my sisters bf said they should be fine but idk.
PEVINE11;1006646; said:
i got 4 tetras today ( neon tetras ) put them in, my piranha chased them for a while then gave up. i went to my G/F's. . . . . now only 1 remains :nilly: any faster kind of tetras recomdended?
haha yet again i didnt relize it was you till i went back to check my post lmao
robby it will work!

but i am gunna do it and also i am going to get some more neon tetras or my piranha tank. . . . . hope it works :nilly:
I currently have 1 RBP, (I do plan on getting more, they only had 1 in stock) and in his tank is a pair of neon tetras, and a pleco. I bought them for him to have a somebody nearby until I get the other 2 fish.

But, it's nice to have a list of fish that have been tested, and work, for when I get my 75 set up for him/her and a couple of friends. I don't want a large group of piranhas, but, since my tank is 4 ft long, and impossible to miss, I would like it to be attractive with colors and varieties of fish!!
Well, that day, my little fish ATE his tetras. So I'm going to wait until he's a little bigger.

Whiplash is afraid of his pleco too!!
i have tried to keep the following fish with MANY types of piranhas
convicts lasted the longest of all
15 exodons. gone within a week
50 silver tip tetra... gone in 3 days
10-15 small pelcos... gone by morning
16 inch common pleco with 14 inch rhom... still working to this day
8 inch buble bee cichlid gone in 20 mins
i had a 13 inch gold fish live for a week... supprised the hell outa me... but then got eaten
4 raphial catfish... they lasted for 3 months.. then starved to death because they couldnt eat ;/
from my expierence just dont try it... i lost ALOT of money trying different things. ive kept a ton of piranhas
i dont even bother w/ tankmates for my piranhas. it's a waste of fish and money. tankmats may work for a while, but they will eventually become prey.
I used to have 2 redtails and my ctenopoma with 4rbp until the p's got to around 5", then they started attacking everything. The p's managed to nip two fins completely off the larger redtail, and they actually grew back (albeit deformed). Now I have a 10" Pleco with the p's, I noticed a small bite on it once a few months ago, but never since.