Quiet filter for bedroom on a 450L tank.

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Aug 30, 2007
Hi I have a 450L tank in my bedroom and looking for a quite filter i was thinking either the biomaster 2 or the aquael Ultramax 2000, was wondering if anyone has used either of these or can recommend another one. i picked these to due to access to the prefilter. Its not going to be a heavily stocked aquarium currently has a small fire eel, pike cichlid and soon and Asian Arowana all for grow out.

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I have my 125 gallon in my bedroom and i run an FX6. IMO most quality filters are quite its usually the sound of the water either splashing or waterfalling into the tank that makes noise which i am cool with.
Why not try the Sicce Whale 500? if you do pick 1 up let me know how it does as I'm thinking about replacing my FX6 with one as I'm tired of those little white lock thingys breaking