Rainbow trout tank

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
yup I get them with a seine net from the local beach. I mainly catch shiners but some times fatheads and fingerling game fish like bass sunfish and pike.
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I just ordered 10 of them today. Starting them in a 55 then planning on moving them to a bigger tank around Christmas time. Earlier if i need to. Im not sure how fast they will grow. My 55 is staying at 67 with no chiller but i have one ready to go for it.
Awesome, I'd love to have a supply of nice fresh trout in the garden! From water to BBQ in mins, doesn't get much fresher than that!!
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I just ordered 10 of them today. Starting them in a 55 then planning on moving them to a bigger tank around Christmas time. Earlier if i need to. Im not sure how fast they will grow. My 55 is staying at 67 with no chiller but i have one ready to go for it.
I couldn't believe how quickly they went from fingerlings to ten inches. Christmas may come early. We're using Skretting Fish feed http://www.skretting.com/en-US/products/?lifephase=857203 While looking for their web address I just noticed they sell specially formulated food for recirculating water systems. Very cool, too bad I didn't notice it when I bought Classic Trout fish food last week:(Skretting-Oncor-RC--fish-food.png
If it comes early then it dose. I plan on keeping a couple to grow out in a 280. The others are going into a private pond that is stocked in the spring. I have the tanks and all already. Just have to shore up the floor and get a chiller for it.
So i was researching trout foods. Every one i find has around 40% protein, 25% fats, 9% moisture, 2% fiber, and 12% ash. Cichlid pelets have 32% protein, 4% fat, 9% moisture, 4% fiber, and 12% ash. Im debating trying out Cichlid pelets to see how they like it.