• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Rare Fish pic From Rare Fish series

ahhh ^^ i remember visiting one of those giant salamander farms in china xD cool thingies xD .... i remember there was a guy that kept a couple in his bath tub in Hong Kong too:screwy:
neolissochilus stracheyi

the following is a fish that I caught in a moutain stream in China. Liniparhomaloptera disparis a Chinese hillstream loach, after the photo, it was safely returned to its habitat.

ihatepothole;2797239; said:
yea... you'd be arrested. it is an endangered specie

yes, certainly it is endangered, so I guess walking that puppy on a leash is out of the question.

So, after all these years of fish keeping what else do you guys want to see that you haven't seen here, maybe compose a list, and that will give me some ideas on what to pursue next :) I'll start...

1. Cichla sp. fogo
freshwater trevally ( maliputo) Caranx something
tanganyika perch
cichla sp. jedi
Chilomycterus antillarum

thats all i can think of rite now xD GO wes! go get em ALL xD
the first 3 I've had and posted pictures already in the past :)

pupumole;2801079; said:
freshwater trevally ( maliputo) Caranx something
tanganyika perch
cichla sp. jedi
Chilomycterus antillarum

thats all i can think of rite now xD GO wes! go get em ALL xD
fugupuff;2801092; said:
the first 3 I've had and posted pictures already in the past :)

oh my bad.... i think i read ur instruction wrong xD so is tis like a wishlist that u mite look into importin for us fellow mfker or is tis a wishlist just for providing us wit pics of it ^^;;

cuz i would love to see some nice trout barbs raiamas guttatus/ bola imported into US ^^;;