Your words are too kind. I am a mere hobbyist that have been very blessed. I've been to Asian many times, grew up in Hong Kong, so I've seen many fish, unfortunatley no new species discovered yet, or named after meblackghostuk;3835195; said:Fugu, like many people, I found this thread a few hours ago, and read it in one go. I even almost gave up smoking cos I couldnt tear myself away from it - LOL.
You have been doing SOO much for the hobby, I take my hat off to you, Sir.
And you dont like hybrids!!! Hooray!!!
Do you only go to Asia to find fish?
You must have discovered a few? Have you had any named after you yet?
But seriously tho.......MORE PICS......NOW !!!!!!
that fish is bad ass.what size will it get to?fugupuff;230648;230648 said:I'm going to post a series of fish that I've kept in the past, comments are welcomed and I'll try to include some information about the fish, some of which I don't even have much info. and would be great if everyone could share their experiences!
First in my album collection- Megalancistrus gigas from Brazil this beast made big craters on my acrylic tank!