Rare Fish pic From Rare Fish series

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Zeppelin3k;4408333; said:
Just a quick question Wes

What temp was your tank at when you had the hifin loach and clowns together?? I have tried this combo a few times and everytime the hifin starts to get unhealthy looking and i have to pull it out. I wish i could get my hands on an absolute monster like yours, its insane how big that guy is!!!

75 degree or so, the key in keeping them highfin shark is constant feeding, they're slow feeders, so you have to use a ton of sinking pellets and blood worm to keep them fat, they're a pain in the arse to keep in my opinion
mate, though wes has some ultra rare / one off fishes. a significant amount of what he gets hold of can be got in the UK. seriously I used to stock loads of cool rare fish when I ran a fish room. rays, arowanas of every species, nile perch, tanganikan perch, tiger fish, wolf fish, puffers (fahakas, MBU, sea frogs, red eyes, congo puffers lineatus, Fugu), swamp eels, fire eels spiny eels, freshwaters morays (3 species), chaca chaca catfish, myriad african cichlids. all the polyperterus ( even lepradei, endlicheri) lungfish, leaf fish, loads of big south american pimeloids, gars (spotted, florida and gator). not having a pop at you mate, but it is really easy to import these "unusual" fish into the UK. Try and find a aquatics shop that deals with the trade supplier "neil hardy aquatica" they stock all these species and tons more throughout the year. then you could order them from the shop.
all the best expanding your collection.

sorry for going off topic, wes your collections and knowledge are astounding.

in a bit mate,

Clay;4255704; said:
I told Wes I was going to go through some old pics and put some up in this thread. here are a few of my rarer or just interesting fish. Certainly nothing along the lines of Wes's collection, but I have something he doesn't have....

Clay, you have some lovely fish and a rad number plate. i have to know is that a piebald Lates ssp in that group of pics???!!
please tell me more......

all the best,

arvicanthis;4412381; said:
Clay, you have some lovely fish and a rad number plate. i have to know is that a piebald Lates ssp in that group of pics???!!
please tell me more......

all the best,

Yeah, there are a a few nice ones. I got most of the fish pictured from Wes (why they are posted in this thread), but the piraya was a different collection. The piebald Lates is from the Colorado Aquarium (I was out there for the ACA w/e year that was). I took a BUNCH of pics of the group. Really a
beautiful fish. I can post more sometime in another thread.
fugupuff;231432;231432 said:
a native fish for some people. imagine a tank full of these. I use to catch these in Toronto near the Niagara Falls, but I believe they are more common down South where its warmer!
what is it called?