M Mule Gambusia MFK Member Mar 20, 2006 #171 Nice goliath....do you still have the S. Whitei??? I made room, so I need one!!!
U ultimatejay Piranha MFK Member Mar 21, 2006 #172 That doesn't look like a Goliath to me. I don't know what kind of fish it is, but I'm guessing towards a dorado or a dogfish or somewhere in that family. What is it Wes?
That doesn't look like a Goliath to me. I don't know what kind of fish it is, but I'm guessing towards a dorado or a dogfish or somewhere in that family. What is it Wes?
suckerfish Dovii MFK Member Mar 21, 2006 #175 i'm going to say either a bangana or a fresh water "chovie" from SA.
W wayne the pain Fire Eel MFK Member Mar 22, 2006 #179 fugupuff said: Latest acquisition: NOT FOR SELL- DON'T ASK. I know what the id is, does anyone want to give it a shot? the large silver fish with the notched jaw, not the smaller barilius sp. Click to expand... Opsariichthys uncirostris
fugupuff said: Latest acquisition: NOT FOR SELL- DON'T ASK. I know what the id is, does anyone want to give it a shot? the large silver fish with the notched jaw, not the smaller barilius sp. Click to expand... Opsariichthys uncirostris