Rare small to medium sized cichlids

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
If you are talking endangered then you could look at the Lyonsi and the mickleny (I am sure I mispelled the last one). I was able to get some Hogaboomorums from my buddy Aquamojo. You don't see them around often.
@smitty - I don't know if I would consider a hogaboomorum as a small to medium sized cichlid. Don't they get up to 16" long?

@ MM - I don't see too many cutteri or mynrae around. Are you planning on breeding? But with the internet it is hard to say what is rare because so many breeders have fish that you would never see in a LFS but that are somewhat common on these forums because it has become so popular to now get fish shipped straight from breeders.
I pretty sure that myrnae and nanoleutus are endangered in the wild, along with some of the other cryptoheros species that are not available in the hobby often (septemfaciatus, altoflavus). Both can be kept in a smaller tank.
Just so you know just because a fish is endangered or even extinct in the wild doesn't mean its rare in the hobby. For example, the RTBS is endangered in nature but very common.
thx everyone for the responses! I am looking for some colorful fish and it would be a bonus to have them not be to common and is always a plus to breed endangered species. I am very interested in cryptoheros nanoluteus and altoflavus! I have also heard of Panamensis but haven't been able to find much on them, anyone know anything about them? Keep the suggestions coming. Would like a small/ medium sized fish that has color and isnt very common to see around.
Panamensis are similar to other cryptoheros in terms of requirements. I've kept a few over the years and have found the males to be on par with cons and cutteri when it comes to aggression. Good luck on your search - BTW, I have not seen altoflavus for sale in the US.
I think Panamensis would be a great fish to breed. One of my favorites from that group. I have Myrnae and the pair have breed several times but its hard to find homes for the babies. I find myself giving them away all the time.