REACTORS- Filtration for stingrays


Mantilla Stingray
MFK Member
Feb 9, 2012
West Jordan Utah
T1 we don't want or need such remarks here, were all here to learn about this one great filtration device and share info about it. I'm working hard to keep this open and help myself learn and a ton of others I would really appreciate you hold back please.

So I was talking to a friend today and thought of a neat idea, having k1 or other setup in a like strainer and then boiling it in that device inside the sump?? What are the thoughts on that?? Even an acrylic box with slits or holes that could then be made to have other water and air movement through it.

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Giant Snakehead
MFK Member
Sep 19, 2005
London UK
I have 2 fluidized sand bed filters rated for 900 gallons each. They are compact,convenient but still problematic. I quit using both of them because one power outage or temporary problem with a pump and the sand stops moving-then the bacteria suffocate and die. The K-1 Reactor takes up twice the space but I can power it down for days and just let the water flow through it without an issue or shut off the water completely and keep the air going inside the chamber and again no issues. The design of the media protects the bacteria cultures and the fact that it floats keeps it from compacting/suffocating during a power or pump problem. That's an extra level of safety you can't get from a sand filter.

But in the end they both do the exact same thing! Culture bacteria to break down ammonia and Nitrite. Either one will work fine - I just choose the simplest and safest one long term. I have ran both- I know which one I like.
you maybe able to turn it off but the media will float and any dirt will sink

all systems have problems even a sump this is why a sand filter is not a stand alone unit its aditional filteratin and for the bioload to be stated at 900 gal the moving bed reactor will need to be the size of a house

i find it kind of single minded that my opinions are not excepted like others

you all know the way i post by now it will never change


MFK Member
Apr 17, 2008
I think a lot of people/including mods are getting soft on this site. There is so much bickering and nit picking it has become childish. THreads or comments get erased because that comment/thread isnt liked or is thought to be an opinion and not a fact. We need disucssions and debates to evolve as people and the hobby. Thats one of the things that keeps it interesting. I have noticed a lot of OG's dissapear in the last couple years. And a lot of kids appear. Is it because the site has lost its cajones? Has everyone turned into a bunch of female puppies? NOt much fun on MFK these days...just a bunch of tears shed. Do you girl dogs need some kleenex so you can man up? Do we need an mfk for adults? It sure seems that way.

Reed and energy can we get some pics of your drain and the place the water enters into your reactor?
What I am gathering is a reactor is like a canister but has a bottom drain to rid of all the waste....?
If you need mech filtration to help keep your reactor free of debris are you guys just running it thru a sock and then into the reactor? Because it sounds like most of these reactors have the incoming water entering down at the bottom of the reactor to help move the media.
More pics please.


MFK Member
Oct 13, 2005
Reed and energy can we get some pics of your drain and the place the water enters into your reactor?
What I am gathering is a reactor is like a canister but has a bottom drain to rid of all the waste....?
If you need mech filtration to help keep your reactor free of debris are you guys just running it thru a sock and then into the reactor? Because it sounds like most of these reactors have the incoming water entering down at the bottom of the reactor to help move the media.
More pics please.
Alright last post as the thread is getting a bit repetitive. Socks or whatever your preferred mechanical that fits your system should be used on any water that will be pumped into the reactor.

On the 55g I have a bulkhead on the side of the tank where the water enters about 6" off the bottom. There is an elbow so the water swirls around the tank walls as it enters. I also have a 3" screened bulkead w/ a valve on the bottom of the tank for flushing bead bacteria or any waste that sneaks into the reactor. I heated the bottom of the tank to mold it and modified the stand to create a small conical bottom where any debris can settle. I was attempting to make a vortex type tank. With the slower flow rate through the reactor small particles or dead bio are able to settle better making flushing work better.

This thread has more than enough good information for someone to succeed. Tons of information on all of this on the internet as well, just have to dig a bit. All this has been used in aquaculture and kio ponds for some time. No ones reinventing the wheel here haha.


MFK Member
Jun 11, 2009
southern indiana
At work so can't read this whole thread now but am looking forward to getting home so I can.

Months ago someone posted their pond with rays and I loved the filter. I think it had the bioballs moving in it over and under a platform. Wish I could find it again but hopefully someone will remember and post it.

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Ole Dawg
MFK Member
Dec 28, 2006
Very much south..
Guys, as told by DbJunkie i did my work on Kales and spoke with them in the UK. ( evolution aqua )

They told me k3 is obsolete and no more fabricates. They still do K1 which i will order from their guys in Spain.

Now my questions are:

Is it best boiled by a powerfull airstone or by a pump from the sump into the reactor " cube"?

my fear of the pump ist that if flow is strong enough for " boiling" the reactor cube will overflow since the drain hole through which water flows by gravity back into the sump is small...

How do you contain boiling K1 so that it does not flow through the drain hole and still maintain it boiling in the reactor?

DB junkie

Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jan 27, 2007
Boxes showed up today so rebuild begins tonight. Will get some pics before I tear it all down. Will go through hard drive and post pics of past failures as well.

Miguel..... Post some pics of this thing and we'll make a recipe.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Nov 24, 2008
Boxes showed up today so rebuild begins tonight. Will get some pics before I tear it all down. Will go through hard drive and post pics of past failures as well.

Miguel..... Post some pics of this thing and we'll make a recipe.
Please take lots of pics when you are building!

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Mantilla Stingray
MFK Member
Feb 9, 2012
West Jordan Utah
Great, would love to see everything myself as well,

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MFK Member
May 13, 2012
I'm still a little confused. This bio- reactor is made just to pull out ammonia and nitrite from your aquarium water. Right? Isn't that what the natural cycle process does?
Don't you need another reactor to pull out nitrate?
And wouldn't that be the opposite method? Take o2 out of the water?
Really ,what is the benefit ? Rush the natural process?
You guys say this method works. And i believe you. But wouldn't a sump full of plants work better?

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