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Red devil angelfish


MFK Member
Anyone know anything about these? Specifically how they were bred to get that red/orange colouring? Wondering if they are line bred, or if they've done some crack headed genetic modifications on them (or, ugh, dyed) to get that colour? I've tried good ol' Google, but it only brings me up websites selling them without any real info on the fish themselves.

And, do they breed true? A pair of red devil angelfish will breed baby mini-me red devil angelfish?
From what I remember. They are select breeding to get that nice deep orange/red and patterns. But don't quote me on that been awhile since I got into angelfish. But many years ago when I was into them I've seen some really nice ones label as devil angelfish and they were stunning for domestics and I was never a fan of domestic angels but those were super nice
I'm aware they're a strain of koi, that's obvious by looking at them. But they aren't gold blushing anything. They're orange/red.
There was a guy named John Mellow that developed the almost solid orange angelfish. He was always trying to get the color to extend up into the fins and was also trying to further develop that red color. One day, he closed up shop. Seems others that got his fish kept working on it and is likely what you see now.
Could very well be!
“Red devil” are no different than the high coverage koi from someone like Steve at Angels Plus. They are genetically the same fish. And Steve himself has grades of koi because sometimes a bright red line still produces fish that aren’t as red.

Discus are the same way. Groups of discus fry are sorted into grades and sold based on how well they show a trait, but they all come from one set of parents.

IMO if the fish don’t breed true or show any marked differences from the strain there derived from, they don’t need their own name. At that point it just feels like a gimmick to separate people from their money.
Well of course they're genetically the same. That's what line breeding is - I'm not under the delusion that they're a different species. They're just a colour variant. I just wanted to be sure they WERE line bred rather than dyed or created in a lab using another species' genes like those awful glo fish.

I like them, they're nicer than most strains IMO and I'm cool with spending my money on them as I please, thanks ;)