Red severums pairing up

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I have vented mine and have been told by another person that mine is female. Unless mine has a very unusual vent it is a female. I have also seen 2 what I thought were red severums is a large community display tank that had fry. It was around 3 years ago but I'm almost certain they were both reds. I guess one could have been a gold displaying a good amount of red and I just didn't pay close enough attention or I could just remember incorrectly. But I don't think so. I'll try to net mine this weekend and get a decent vent picture so we can be fore sure. But it's certainly not pointy or angled back. With line breeding who knows though!
I would like to see vent shots of everyone that has red severums that can get them posted. There's a lot of conflicting information on the web about these fish. There's enough people on this site that own them know we should be able to find out if they are all males or not.
Still sticking to my guns on this one i'm afraid boys.

Done my research over the last 2 years on sevs (granted, i prefer regional variants of greens and severus). A red female is the pink elephant of the Heros world ;)

Throughout all of the regional variations, line breeding, cross breeding, all specimens, the females lack markings. Even into the H.Severus, where instead of worming, the males have black marks on the lower jaw and gill plate and the female...doesn't ;)

Not trying to rain on the parade, just trying to interject some reality. All red sevs, are infact, highly coloured golds.

My tuppence.