It really is beautiful!Hi TGM,
the fish you've showing shows head and bodyshape that is similar to my "normal" asiatica. But bloody hell, the red sportting is truely gorgeous !!
I have been wanting one for so long, but these Japanese Asiatica are very uncommon, and prices here can be as high as Barca!
As for the OP's fish, I would love to see Nox in the market, but I really believe this fish to be the Red Spotted Asiatica.
It shares the red marking, where as scientific reference to Nox doesn't mention this but "white spotting" (IMO, red spots would be a very important characteristic to note)
Also, Dorsal spine count on Nox is 47-51, Asiatica being 41-47. The OP's fish has 45-46 which along with Anal fin spine count (I couldn't count OP's fish anal spikes clearly) this should be enough to rule out Nox.
The head shape is quite odd, but I have had Channa with varying head shapes before.
Very interesting!
IMO, The OP's Channa is Either the rare Japanese Asiatica or a mix of that and something...