Red Tiger Oscar vs Giant Snakeheads!!!


MFK Member
Oct 28, 2006
Isn't that a great way to get attention and quick replies?:D Now read on please...I have a 3 feet by 1 and a half feet in width and height tank. I am thinking of getting a juvenile Red Tiger Oscar. I had one once in my childhood, but was eaten by my both juvenile Giant Snakeheads. I thought it was impossible due to the size of the Oscar, I don't know how the Snakeheads did it. :screwy:

A Red Tiger grows up to 35cm, true? What's its lifespan and how do I sex it? I can go to one of the nearest LFS now and get it. Another question is, I have a Climbing Perch and he is such a slow grower and is only about near 6 inches. Would he become vulnerable as the Oscar grows quickly?

Besides the Perch, I have a foot long Florida Gar and an Ornate Bichir. Yes, this is a temperory tank. How big is your Oscar? If you can post a picture, that would be great.


MFK Member
Oct 28, 2006
They are awesome. Thank you for the reply and sharing the pictures, I just baught a Red Tiger Oscar, he / she is just about 4 inches long. The Oscar is so adorable, curious and playful!:nilly:

And what a messy feeder Oscar is, lol. He / She ate a little of Tetra Cichlid Sticks and is with a roundish cutie tummy now, it was flat when I baught it. When I was about to catch this little one, the rest jumped at me thinking I was going to feed them. That was a great experience.

He / She is nicely coloured, I will post a picture when my brother's back from the uni with my digicam. I am keeping an eye on his tankmates, my Florida Gar went to have a look..but as I gave a gentle motion to stop, now my Florida Gar is ignoring the Oscar.

It is possible to be attacked, but to be swallowed..I don't think so. Do Oscar grow fast? Just incase I baught feeder fish so my Gar and Ornate Bichir would keep their attention on the feeder fish and they did. The Oscar is just one smart, active, fast, playful and is one bad boy / girl.:)

Glad to join the group!:headbang2

Question: What is your Oscars' diet? How big do they grow in captivity? And I read it's not possible to identify their sex, is that true? And do the body pattern and colouration change as they grow?

Rock Ghering

Feeder Fish
Mar 13, 2007
Spokane, WA
I feed mine pellets sometimes crickets, rollie pollies, meal worms or the occational guppy from my own breeding tank. i have heard of them growing up to 14in. in captivity and that they can live a bit longer than 10 years. i have also never found anyone that knows how to sex them either.:)


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
From your description, it sounds like you have a 40 gallon breeder tank?

Too small... I never ever ever condone buying fish and placing them in "temporary" tanks. Besides, Oscars grow so fast. It will outgrow that tank in a matter of a couple months.

Oscars + small temporary tanks + other inhabitants = poop soup and sick fish

Did I get your attention ;)

Oscars are cheap and *very* available. Buy your tank first, then buy your fish.

Just my opinion...

Nova 8

Fire Eel
MFK Member
Feb 10, 2007
South Australia
I agree oscars are extremely fast growing, I had my three since late december 2005 at which stage they were an inch long, now only 15mths later two are just under 11" and one is pushing toards 13".

You Perch should be fine, if he is already 6" he cant get eaten and Oscars are not really aggressive for cichlids.

I feed mine Hikari Pellets, live blood worm and brine shrimp, Frozen Cichlid Cubes, Worms, Peas and on ocassionally feeder fish/frogs.

As for sexing Oscars, IMO you don't know what sex you have unless you either, witness spawning or disect the fish. If anyone knows of another way I would love to hear it.

Here are three pictures to help realise just how quick Oscars can grow;
Pic 1 Start of January 2006 1mth
Pic 2 Mid June 2006 6mths
Pic 3 Mid September 2006 9mths (when I got my 220 as they out grow their other homes which were a 30(pic1) and a 55(pic2)

The other two pics are of an Albino Oscar I got off a mate and is around 8yrs old(10.5"), and a friend I bought for the albino, he was already full grown but he has fattened up since I got him(10")







Fire Eel
MFK Member
Jun 26, 2005
Hong Kong
your oscar most definitely won't survive in there. It'll just be a semi expensive meal for your micro.


MFK Member
Oct 28, 2006
Thank you very much for the replies. Euge, the Snakeheads story was my childhood experience.

And guys, I said my tank is 3 feet in length and 1 and a half feet in width and height. Nova's Oscars took over a year to reach 11 inches and now pushing to 13 inches. Which is just an inch below and over a foot.

I just have a single Oscar, the only repeated poop delivery that I am experiencing now is because of my Florida Gar that eats like a pig and ****s like one too. I am just after sucking all the debris with the pump.

I will take care of it, yes temperory tank. Within a year I will make a huge difference. Thank you very much again. And thank you very much for sharing the pictures, great looking Oscars. And thanks for the advice, I will keep it updated. :)


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Aug 31, 2006
The tank is too small for even one Oscar.