Redtail catfish mixed with Lima catfish


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MFK Member
Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
I ordered 2 of these.. I'll let you guys know how it goes. Also have rtc's and tsn's and the hybrid of the 2 to compare. Also first post

Please note this thread is about Lima shovelnose catfish aka Sorubim lima crossed with an RTC while you are talking about a different hybrid that is Tiger shovelnose catfish aka Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum crossed with an RTC.

Please make up a thread in the Catfish section on your hybrids and come back to it with updates for their or your lifetime with you, regardless of what happens, success or failure, we will all learn together.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 17, 2020

Please note this thread is about Lima shovelnose catfish aka Sorubim lima crossed with an RTC while you are talking about a different hybrid that is Tiger shovelnose catfish aka Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum crossed with an RTC.

Please make up a thread in the Catfish section on your hybrids and come back to it with updates for their or your lifetime with you, regardless of what happens, success or failure, we will all learn together.
Notice I said also? I ordered 2 of these exact ones the thread is about. I have the others i listed too ?‍♂


Senior Curator
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MFK Member
Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
Notice I said also? I ordered 2 of these exact ones the thread is about. I have the others i listed too ?‍♂
Wonderful! Please do a thread on the Lima x RTC too in the same fashion, if you will.

The "also" could be read as though pertaining to the genuine species of RTC and TSN, in my defence. I apologise.


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jan 30, 2007
I don't think it's my place to list why there is such a desire for hybridization of fish. I am not a commercial breeder and I definitely don't want to mis represent others. There is plenty of scientific and fish industry information available if one is interested. Similarly for the hybrid vigor discussion, its not my place again but I can speculate that even an 8 cent per fish increase in profit/productivity/ time saving or cost reduction would be hugely significant when you are counting fish by the tonnage and moving stock with pumps. Using my 8 cents savings analogy as a practical example; if fingerings were 10gm each, you would get 1,000,000 fish per 1000kg (one tonne) which would be $80,000 difference per tonne and potentially several hundred tonnes per season. So quite strong incentives.

Looking at other food production areas, you can see similar development with plants and animals and fish would be no different.

And something to consider is that mixing of sperm and eggs which easily fertilise indicates there is quite a high degree of similarity in place, even if those fish don't look similar. Would it change people's opinions if the lima catfish and shovelnose catfish were from a single ancestor once upon a time? (Speculative only - I'm not saying they were). Or what if the lima became two or three or four different types of fish in the next 1000 years? And then someone bred those different fish with each other?
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Senior Curator
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MFK Member
Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
I don't think it's my place to list why there is such a desire for hybridization of fish. I am not a commercial breeder and I definitely don't want to mis represent others. There is plenty of scientific and fish industry information available if one is interested. Similarly for the hybrid vigor discussion, its not my place again but I can speculate that even an 8 cent per fish increase in profit/productivity/ time saving or cost reduction would be hugely significant when you are counting fish by the tonnage and moving stock with pumps. Using my 8 cents savings analogy as a practical example; if fingerings were 10gm each, you would get 1,000,000 fish per 1000kg (one tonne) which would be $80,000 difference per tonne and potentially several hundred tonnes per season. So quite strong incentives.

Looking at other food production areas, you can see similar development with plants and animals and fish would be no different.

And something to consider is that mixing of sperm and eggs which easily fertilise indicates there is quite a high degree of similarity in place, even if those fish don't look similar. Would it change people's opinions if the lima catfish and shovelnose catfish were from a single ancestor once upon a time? (Speculative only - I'm not saying they were). Or what if the lima became two or three or four different types of fish in the next 1000 years? And then someone bred those different fish with each other?
Thank you for explaining your evolution argument. I now get it what you had meant.

Just for posterity, there is an arithmetic error - at 10 gram each, 1 tonne or 1000 kg would contain 100,000 fingerlings and the favorable difference in the example would be cut 10 times to $8,000 per tonne.

This is moot though as I understand what you mean, again. The worthiness depends on exact financial figures to the producing enterprise. It's just that I believe that money shouldn't decide everything. There are other things to consider.