He looks beautiful! One of my all time favourites. They will eat almost anything. If you can get lava rock, he may hide in there. But at least you will still get a look at him while he is in hiding. I think they go well with others of their kind, even the striped ones. Other catfish, loaches, ghost knives, elephant nose.
heay his tummy is pretty big!!Hahahah.... man he looks awesome and funny too... even ma raphael is funny lookin but not with this big a belly.... he sure is a good trade
Indeed that is a spotted Raphael! Also known as a barking or talking catfish. A healthy one will make a sound that sounds like a duck quack when threatened. But with all the armor, they don't really feel threatened until they are taken out of water. I have one of these that is about 10 years old and 7" long.
For feeding, like someone else said, anything. In the 10 years I've had my Raphael, I've never seen him eat. I just feed the other fish in the tank and he eats whatever's left. They can really go with any other fish. Aggressive fish are not a threat as the Raphael has crazy armor (mine has cut my hand a couple times) and they are very peaceful. I don't, however, recommend neon tetras as they sleep on the bottom and this guy will scoop them up (learned the hard way, at least I THINK the Raphael was the one eating them).
Obviously you need to get your tank in a healthier state, but don't worry about it for this guys sake. You couldn't kill it even if you tried.
Awesome fish! Enjoy!
thank you for the reapply
heay his tummy is pretty big!!
I was thinking of putting him in with my sculpin..who really ignores anything if its not a pellet or small sleeping fish on the ground..
"Obviously you need to get your tank in a healthier state"..? he is a rescue out of those conditions..all of my tanks are in a healthy state FYI..he is in a 10g QT tank for the next month or so to make sure he is healthy.