Thanks you so much!!!!VIRGINIA:
4 VAC 15-30-10 - Possession, importation, sale, etc., of wild animals.
Under the authority of §§ 29.1-103 and 29.1-521 of the Code of Virginia it shall be unlawful to take, possess, import, cause to be imported, export, cause to be exported, buy, sell, offer for sale, or liberate within the Commonwealth any wild animal unless otherwise specifically permitted by law or regulation. Unless otherwise stated, for the purposes of identifying species regulated by the board, when both the scientific and common names are listed, the scientific reference to genus and species will take precedence over common names.
4 VAC 15-30-40 - Importation requirements, possession and sale of nonnative (exotic) animals. A. Permit required. A special permit is required and may be issued by the department, if consistent with the department's fish and wildlife management program, to import, possess, or sell those nonnative (exotic) animals listed below that the board finds and declares to be predatory or undesirable within the meaning and intent of § 29.1-542 of the Code of Virginia, in that their introduction into the Commonwealth will be detrimental to the native fish and wildlife resources of Virginia:
Order Family Genus/Species Common Name
Anura Buforidae Bufo marinus Giant or marine toad*
Pipidae Xenopus spp. Tongueless or African clawed frog
Caudata mbystomatidae Ambystoma tigrium Mavortium Barred tiger salamander
A. t. Diaboli Gray tiger
A. t. Melanostictum Blotched tiger Salamander
Order Family Genus/Species Common Name
Cypriniformes Catostomidae Ictiobus bubalus Smallmouth buffalo*
I. cyprinellus Bigmouth buffalo*
I. niger Black buffalo*
Characidae Pygopristis spp. Piranhas
Pygocentrus spp.
Rooseveltiella spp.
Serrasalmo spp.
Taddyella spp.
Cyprinidae Aristichyhys Nobilis Bighead carp*
Ctenopharyngodon idella Grass carp or white amur
Cyprinella lutrensis Red shiner
Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Silver carp*
Mylopharynogodom piceus Black carp
Scardinius erythrophthalmus Rudd
Tinca tinca Tench*
Gobiesociformes Gobiidae Proterorhinus marmoratus Tubenose goby
Neogobius melanostomus Round goby
Perciformes Cichlidae Tilapia spp. Tilapia
Gymnocephalus cernuum Ruffe*
Siluriformes Clariidae All Species Air-breathing catfish
The section below (Item c) is the only list that would be considered prohibited in Idaho at this time. This list is the following IDAPA rule section.
No person shall import, export, transport into or cause to be transported within, release or sell within the state of Idaho any living wildlife including wildlife eggs without having first obtained a permit from, and on a form prescribed by, the Director of the Idaho Department of Fish and Game. However, no permit shall be issued by the Director for such importation, transportation or release or sale if the wildlife or eggs thereof would pose a threat to wildlife in the state of Idaho either through threat of disease, genetic contamination or displacement of, or competition with existing species and provided that: (3-23-94)
01. Import, Export, Transport, or Sell Restrictions. No permit shall be required from the Department of Fish and Game to import, export, transport or sell the following: (3-23-94)
a. Animals or their eggs normally considered to be of agricultural or domestic types currently common to Idaho which shall not include any wildlife. (3-23-94)
b. Mammals classified as furbearers by the Idaho Fish and Game Commission, and that are to be used for purposes provided for in Chapter 30 of Title 25, Idaho Code. (3-23-94)
c. Ornamental or tropical aquarium fish of varieties commonly accepted for interstate shipment, but not including green sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris), white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus), walking catfish (family Claridae), bowfin (Amia calva), gar (family Lepiostidae), piranhas (Serrasalmus sp., Rosseveltiella sp. Pygocentrus sp.), rudd (Scardinus erythropthalmus), Ide (Leuciscus idus), grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), and snakeheads or china fish (Channa sp.). (3-23-94)