Did your elong come out to eat off the bat or was he shy as well? Well I'll just keep an eye on him. Know any deither fish that can survive with him but won't bully him that I can add? Perhaps a schooling fish? Or do you think he'll have a better personality being alone? I have him currently in a 75. How many years do you think till he'll come say hi feed me? Lol
Took about 3 weeks until my elong was comfortable enough to eat in front of me, other fish are about a 50/50 shot anything you put with it has the potential to be food so nothing very expensive or you'll be attached to. I've seen people successful house guppies, tetras (Neon's and bleeding hearts), and exodon tetras, but usually some are picked off here and there it really again depends on the personality of the P some may not touch their tankmates where as others will go at them right away. At the size you're fish is now having some dithers could help a bit with its confidence and bring him out of his shell, id estimate atleast within the next 2 months he should be somewhat comfortable eating around you.