Rio Mag umbee pair

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Thank you. 72+ hours in and there are no more eggs on the pvc pipe. When I checked on them about 12 hours ago most were still there and you could see they were fertilized and had black on the inside. Guess I never really timed how long it takes but do you think they've hatched and fell underneath the pvc or the parents ate them? Would it hurt anything if I moved the pvc where they were at carefully? Most cichlids I've bred I've been lucky enough they've spawned either on a clay saucer or in a pot.... not on a round piece of pvc lol
[QUOTE="MPcichlid,] Looking fantastic! [/QUOTE]

You mean looking fintatstic!
sick pair, congrats...dont worry bout the spawn. many more to come inshaAllaah. my rio mag pair took 5 tries to get it right. at one point i considered swapping out females thinking they'd never get it under control. even their 1st successful spawn was little sketchy. female moved eggs before they starting hatching, approx day and half too early. to my surprise they survived. the umbee dont seem to produce as large of clutches as say dovii or butticofri BUT the nice thing is the fry are ridiculously sturdy. once free swimming you can expect nearly 100% survival ratio. actually i have never had such large fish lay so few eggs (still 500+++). on the flip side 3 months later i've never had more juvies survive, so it kinda evens out, lol. i introduced F-1 male (son of 'the general' on of the old school original wild caught before multiple collection locations became prevalent in hobby which is good thing) with 4 females and he liked 2 equally. the selected female certainly didnt like each other so i had to pick one for him. enjoy them and keep us posted, thanks IMG_20151004_091243349.jpg IMG_20151126_132545954.jpg IMG_20151126_131242424.jpg IMG_20151125_235934492.jpg IMG_20151126_131031865.jpg IMG_20151126_125822508.jpg
Beautiful pair! And thank you for the encouraging words. No fry this spawn but if these guys spawned for me within the first 2 weeks of owning them I'd imagine it will be a frequent occurrence
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Reactions: Justin Holland
Thanks man! You gotta post some updates of your pair! That male is a monster. Hope mine grows up to look half as nice as he does
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