C. hujeta do best when kept in groups, as they are a schooling fish, but they will do fine being kept as individuals. They normally grow 8-14 inches long, although wild specimens have been known to get close to 30 inches. They need at least a 55 gallon aquarium, with plants near the glass so they don't harm their delicate beak. The normally only eat live foods, (rosies, goldfish, minnows, worms, insects, etc..). They can also eat anything less than half the size of their body, but they will normally leave "tall" fish (angelfish, black skirt tetra, etc...) alone. They need fairly warm water at about 78-85 degrees, and the water needs to be very clear and slightly acidic to neutral. Very fun fish to keep and I wish you the best of luck with this guy. The Rocket Gar, is also not actually a gar as you might know, but it is a pike characin. Other names include; Silver Gar, Silver Pike Characin, Hujeta Gar, Hujeta Pike, Slant-Nose Gar, Freshwater Barracuda, Hujeta Pike Characin, Yellowtail Barracuda, South American Gar, and Silver Needlefish. They are native to the Amazon river, so they live GREAT with other Amazon predator tetras such as Freshwater barracudas, Payaras, and Boulengerella sp since the care is vertiually the same for Ctenolucjus, Acerstorhynchus, Hydrolycus, and Boulengerella besides a few species in Hydrolycus and Boulengerella that may outgrow a 55 gallon. Hope this helps!