Yeah it's amazing reading posts here, and going to planet catfish to read up on their forums. You get like instantly bashed for even thinking about keep a rtc or tsn or any fish that gets to more than 2'. I am like if you really want that fish and know what it means that you are going to possibly have in 5 or ten years from now, then go for it. You'd be suprised at the sacrafices people are willing to make for these pets. I know have spent more on my fish than I have on myself in the past 3 years. All to keep them alive an healthy. I'd be very sad if anything happens to my fish. I've had to deal with a couple losses this year, and it hurts but you live and learn. I know now that if you are renting you are probably not in the best position to keep fish on this scale, and that's why I had to get a place of my own. Only problem there is the fact that I pay more for bills now than before and I can't afford to do everything for my fish that I would like to, but I keep finding cheaper and cheaper ways to do the things I love on the scale that I like. So to everyone, if you think you can do it, prove it, if not then leave it to those of us who are willing and able. I know if my broke *** can keep these kind of fish, than probably just about anyone can lol. So good luck to anyone who wants to keep any of these amazing fish.