
MFK Member
Sep 8, 2014
Yeah I haven't really seen anything 100% conclusive saying that any bottled product can safely replace a proper tank cycling.

OP you should monitor your water parameters carefully. I'm assuming what you're seeing here is a bad ammonia or nitrite spike. Forget the instructions on the dumb API stuff. Do a large water change ASAP and check your water parameters or your other fish will probably be dead soon. If possible, secure some cycled media from someone and have all your filters on. When you clean a filter sponge all you want to be doing is squeezing it out in tank water or dechlorinated tap water otherwise it kills all the bacteria in the filter.
I can 100% vouch for bottled bacteria. I've cycled all my tanks in under 1 week with tetra safe start and seachem stability. that includes a 310 gallon. if OP didn't use enough and overloaded the biofilter then the bottled BB isn't going to work at all.
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NW Cichlid Keith

MFK Member
Jun 6, 2016
Atlanta, Georgia
I'm thinking it was a problem removing chlorine. Assuming you did use chlorine remover, there could be a couple issues:
1) It has a shelf life and I have had a store send me a bottle and I just happened to randomly check the expiration date, which had passed - I always check now.
2) There are YouTube videos of water companies messing up and spiking the chlorine amount in their water. For this reason, I always put in double the recommended amount and smell the water first. Very high amounts will spell of chlorine.
It could be that neither of these are correct, but just throwing ideas out. Again, sorry - that really, really sucks


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Mar 9, 2016
+1 to NW Cichlid Keith NW Cichlid Keith reference about water companies not always having the same water parameters out of the faucet. Everything else considered that could just as easily have been a factor. They look like small fish, so even if you killed all bacteria in your filters I would think if you have any substrate or decorations in the tank there would have been trace amounts in the tank that should have been sufficient for a quicker cycling than having started from scratch. I'd for sure test your tap water before you make any more water changes.


MFK Member
Jan 5, 2017
I'm thinking it was a problem removing chlorine. Assuming you did use chlorine remover, there could be a couple issues:
1) It has a shelf life and I have had a store send me a bottle and I just happened to randomly check the expiration date, which had passed - I always check now.
2) There are YouTube videos of water companies messing up and spiking the chlorine amount in their water. For this reason, I always put in double the recommended amount and smell the water first. Very high amounts will spell of chlorine.
It could be that neither of these are correct, but just throwing ideas out. Again, sorry - that really, really sucks
I'm going through this right now. When I turn on my shower it smells like pool water. Almost like the water company in my area put extra chlorine in the water. I always shut off my filters but leave my powerhead running for 15 minutes after I fill and add dechlorinator. I have a hard time believing you can add x amounts of dechlorinator and the chlorine just vanishes instantly. I always give it time to mix.


MFK Member
Sep 1, 2007
Raleigh, NC
accu-clear is just water clarifier, when you did the water change and removed the seeded filters you removed all the bacteria and caused the tank to have to recycle. this cause an ammonia spike and nitrate spike, killing the fish.
This is most likely what killed your fish, in addition to not using any dechlorinator when doing such a massive water change. When you destroy the majority of the bacteria that's keeping your fish alive, your tank will start cycling all over again.

On top of that, and as some one else stated, Accu-Clear is a water-clarifier, not a bacterial supplement. Personally, I'm not a fan of any water-clarifying products. If your water is cloudy, there's a reason for it.

In the future, I would advise against replacing or rinsing your bio-media. If it's all gunked-up, then use some tank water to clean it off in.


MFK Member
Jan 4, 2011
I woke up to half my tank dead.
1 Parachromis friedrichsthalii
2 Amphilophus Lyonsi
1 Amphilophus Labiatus
1 Amphilophus sagittae

I had did a water change 9 days and Added API Quick start yesterday because i didnt have any solution. I followed the instructions to a T. It ended in a massacre.

View attachment 1187674
So have you replaced your fish? What are you growing out now?
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