I have been keeping my group of dorados since October 2015, so in another two months they would be two years old, started at 2.5" today they are 12-14".
I do agree with aggression and hunger going hand in hand, my dorados would go all edgy if they are hungry.
The other observation of mine is, temperature, as summer progresses, the dorados would be getting more and more aggressive, they are the most peaceful during monsoon and winter.
My dorados solely ate Pellets for the first 15 months, now they eat Tilapia chunks, skin, spines, scales and meat. Used to feed them Tilapia fillet, but now that they are bigger, spines and scales are not removed. They also get gut loaded insects that I culture, meal worms, super Worms, lobster roaches.
Although there's is one thing, branchy driftwood added as decor also helps in breaking aggression, in my group I see there's one top dog and when feeding has been delayed, I see him keeping the rest of the group huddled in a corner, while he keeps patrolling the tank, and if anyone breaks the huddle, he chases them.