
jim barry

Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Jun 21, 2006
I have a female BD that is pretty beaten up from breeding activity. I got some Hydra pond salt. At 1/2 ouce per gallon i worked it out at needing around 7 kilo for around 600 gallon of water. I bought a 5 kilo tub of salt so was edging on the cautious side to make sure i did not over do it and put half in a tied up pillow case and placed it into the water flow of my sump last night. Within about 3 hours my female Pearl started acting strange and breathing heavy. The other rays were acting a little frisky. I wasn't sure if this was a good thing and freaked out! Went to remove the salt but it had all dissolved already. I had not done a water change when adding the salt so i turned on the drip full blast for about 2 hours. This morning the Pearl is still breathing heavy but did not eat. I am confused now. Coincidence that she acted like this or was it too much salt? I don't know. Water changer will come on again this morning for 3 hours so i will see how things are when i get home from work.
Have you guys ever noticed instant behaviour change when adding salt. It may have just been a coinsidence and maybe the Pearl got spooked about something around the same time, but why is she still not right this moning? All other rays have no change to them.

sam buckle

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 19, 2008
Is Hydra pond salt just "sodium chloride" have you checked it hasn't any other buffers or anything else added?

jim barry

Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Jun 21, 2006
I was recommended this stuff and purposely went for the Hydra as it does not state it buffers PH (they sell a seperate PH buffer). Ilooked at buying Blagdon pond salt but did not get it as the pack states it buffers PH. I followed the instructions of 200 grams per 100 liters of water and actually put slightly less than this in as i have never added salt before and was a little worried about doing it. Here is the specification for the salt. I went with the user instructions for a pond with no plants, so 0.2% concentration.

Features & Advantages
•Hydra Pond Salt aids in improving general good health in all types of fish.
•Helps in the formation of the protective layer of mucus on fish.
•Helps reduce stress on fish.
•Source of essential trace elements.
•Help the fish recover from the treatment for wounds or ulcers.
•Quickly neutralizes the ions that attack on fish blood when nitrite levels shoot up (more than 0.5ppm).
•Recharges Hydra Ammonia Lock

How To Use

Usage Rate
•In ponds without plants use at a concentration of 0.2%, which means:

200 grams of Hydra Pond Salt treats 100 litres of water.
•In ponds with plants use at a concentration of 0.1%, which means:

100 grams of Hydra Pond Salt treats 100 litres of water.

Is Hydra pond salt just "sodium chloride" have you checked it hasn't any other buffers or anything else added?

jim barry

Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Jun 21, 2006
Well the tank done another 3 hour water change on the auto drip system this morning. Popped home at lunch time from work and everyone looking okay, Pearl stopped breathing heavy. Tested water, all good. Live and learn, but i am not sure what to take away from the experience.

1. stop panicking so much!
2. Don't use salt unless absolutely needed.


As seen on TV
MFK Member
Aug 22, 2005
South FL
When using salt in freshwater, I usually try to run between 3 ppt and 5 ppt. It seems to work most effectively at those levels.


MFK Member
Mar 16, 2009
Hi Jim,
Glad to hear everything ok now.
I have seen large rays with wounds have a heart attack on the spot and die when come into contact with salt that was being added slowly to an aquarium,
if your water is good your rays will heal without it.They heal very fast.
personally i wouldn't use it in those circumatances.
Giles :)


Mantilla Stingray
MFK Member
Feb 9, 2012
West Jordan Utah
When I add salt to my system I dump a ton in any more with a very large system. I just use pure salt. Solar salt. But overall good clean water usually does it all just fine.

Sent from the Monster Fish Keeping App


Giant Snakehead
MFK Member
Sep 19, 2005
London UK
To be fair him I have never liked adding salt I have only ever done it once and never again

I dosed my tank to the same level as you stated and I got a taste of the water and it was like I had been swimming in the sea

If you have good clean water and a uv then I wouldn't have added it
You would have had to have turned of the drip as well or you are getting rid of the salt you have just added

I will just have salt on my fries

Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app


MFK Member
Jun 7, 2008
No salt for me.. just good clean water will help it heal.

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using MonsterAquariaNetwork App

jim barry

Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Jun 21, 2006
Think i am agreeing with you guys. The water drip was off when i added the salt and the salt disolved very quickly. I think it shocked the rays, certainly the Pearl. 2 water changes later and everything was back to normal within 12 hours. Even the BD female with the damage smashed into the pellets this morning so i think the salt may have had some beneficial effect. But the stress i and possibly the rays went through for the 12 hours was probably not worht it! If i do ever use it again i would half the dose again and only use it if realy necessary. It's hard being a novice. I have had these rays since pups and they become your kids! As they grow and you see new behaviour you can't help but worry and you want to do all you can to make sure they remain healthy. But it's like someone told me years ago - Look after the water and the fish will look after themselves. I should have remembered this before adding salt!!