• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

semi-rare to rare cichlids

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Hey GARY, Thanks 4 da hook up ! Just got home about an hour ago and let me tell you that Argentae iz 1 BEAUTIFUL fizh. he's in the tank now and doing real good all fins erect and swimming around like he's been there a long time. so iz the Bleek, and Escondido. Thanks GARY!
I shot you pm. Gary. Why you aint answering? Im trying to get the fishes today! You dont wanna sell to me or what??
gary...thanks for the Robertsoni, Rostratum, Nourisatti, Decorus, and Pearsei.they are all doing well in my tank.thanks for giving me such a great deal on all the fish,you are one of the good guys in the fish hobby who cares more about his fish getting a good home than the money.anyone who is thinking about buying some fish from gary should not hesatate in doing so.....just watch out for his crazy dog max...lol
I can pick up the bifa FOR SURE tommorow!! And at the same time decide on the Zonatum. Lmk Gary!!
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