Severum: Is this Male or Female?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Now that i'm home and see it on a larger screen that is not my phone i can see the faint facial patterns and will have to flip flop and agree with male crowd.
I'm mostly sure it's a male because of the cheek patterning. It's just a light-colored specimen. Gold severums range from pale, almost white fish to orange fish with nice red markings. This one appears to be of the paler variety.

I have been fooled before. I had a female severum who was a mutt. She was solid gray with a red anal fin, and she had no body color whatsoever except for very dark red lines on her cheeks and face. She also had long, pointed anal and dorsal fins. All the signs pointed to a low quality male. Then I put her in a community with my big turquoise male, and a week later I had fry. Still, 90% of the time the markings are the giveaway rather than things like body shape, eye color, or length of the fins.
Thanks for all of the replies. I have him/her housed along with my two male super reds, i was just wondering if its a female. I guess i need to try another one. I dont think its stressed out, its been like that since i got it, just lack of markings or very light markings. Eitherway thanks for all of the response.. maybe it is a male, no pairing up so far and i have them for about 5 mo. I'll have to try to find a female and see.

Added more pics, you can see a very very washed out facial marking but i dont see any facial marking between the eyes on the "forehead area".




I would still bet it's a male. Not all of my males have striation across the nose. You can still see it across the gills and above the lips. If you have an LFS with larger golds, look for one that has no markings on the face or gills whatsoever.
Thanks for all the help guys.