My LFS is Wet Spot. They have these:
Heros efasciatus "Gold Severum"
Heros efasciatus "Green Severum" (TR)
Heros efasciatus "Green Severum" (WC)
Heros liberifer "Eye Spot Severum"
Heros notatus "Spotted Severum" "Guyana"
Heros sp. "Iniridae" "Super Severum" "Colombia"
Heros sp. "Rotkiel" "Red Head Severum" "Peru"
Heros sp. "Super Red Severum"
So... I get the efasciatus, liberifer, and notatus. Separate in the genus, with common names listed next to them.
When you add the "sp." does this mean that it is a color variant of one of the above, so say sp. Inridae is actually a notatus or efasciatus, sp. Rokteil is a efasciatus, sp. Super Red is efasciatus? If that's the case, then why don't they do:
Heros efasciatus sp. "Rotkiel"?
Or is that these are yet unclassified or separate? I am showing my ignorance on how fish are actually named. Most of the time when I am looking at fish it is not this confusing so I don't have to think about it this deeply.