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Severum tank mates


Fire Eel
MFK Member

I have a 20g long tank currently with only a pair of gold/orange severums (I don't think they are a mating pair, just took them off of a friend's hands) I love these fish a ton, pride and joys per say but I think the tank lacks something. I was wondering if there are any fish that would spice my tank up that go along with them.
Convicts look nice, I thought about a ghost knife
Just the sevs will need at least a 55 in several months time and you'll need an even bigger tank than that to consider many tankmates
i have my rots in a 240, they are about 9-10 inches and proven. that said i had a pair of greens that would breed but in the 110 they were in and their tankmates it was never successful...i moved them to a 55 but being full grown they stayed there all of 10 minutes before i saw they were way too big for a 55 even alone.
Damn, don't have the cash for a 55 yet :( bought the 20long and 2 severums for 30 bucks lol
Was browsing the web and Dragon's Blood Peacock Cichlids caught my eye, any comments on them per chance?