• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Severum tank mates

Peacock cichlids are African cichlids (your severums are S. American) so should not really be mixed, besides which your tank is way too small for the severums let alone a peacock cichlid which could get 6" or possibly more. If you really really have to add some tank mates get a small group of bleeding heart or serpae tetra. A 20G is nowhere near big enough for one severum let alone 2.
Nothing needs to go in that tank. Save the money you are going to spend on fish and look on craigslist and buy atleast a 55g.
Check out this forums classifieds or craigslist cuz you should be able to find a good deal on a 55g or bigger tank that is used. I've seen many for under $100 including filters, lights, etc. But before you think about tankmates think about upgrading, your fish will thank you.
+1 def need a bigger tank and please dont add a bgk until you have a bigger tank these guys grow pretty fast (inch a month when small) and can get up to 20in so you will need at least a 75 AT LEAST! if you want to add a bgk, like others have said please just save your money and try to find a good used tank on craigslist and in the meantime just enjoy your severums and make sure their tank stays as clean as possible so they dont get stunted before they get moved to a bigger tank
Whats a BGK? She was thinking of adding a Peacock - they don't get to 20" do they?
oops sorry ignore previous post - ghost knife, yeah NO WAY!
lol yeah black ghost knife the OP mentioned wanting one in post before he talked about african peacock lol
Ok I am taking advice and not getting any more fish, My friends have a 55 gallon but I'm not really wanting to move them to it because it's already some what full, I am looking for a fancy cleaner fish though, I do really like the Albino Long fin plecos, any advice on that?