Sexing SA/CA Cichlids......(can I have a "Sticky/Pinned"?)

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Can't specifically help with the fish you're looking for, though with Jack Dempsey generally you'll see more "body plating" on males with the irredesence and females will have it more on the face, some people call it a "blue beard". Obviously you can have feminine males and masculin females, but I find it to be pretty accurate.

On a side note, there's already a sticky I believe. Duanes made it, visual guide to sexing new world cichlids I think...

Yeah female JD'S will have blue gill plating, and males will have colored spotting all down the body. Plus they will get larger.
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Prices for Festae vary from source to source and quality. I agree that jay got one heck of a deal on his. I know people that would pay 4-500$ for his pair. But he would most likely list them for 2-300$ which is a killer deal. Usually Festae run 10$ per inch till they start to color up and then can run 45-100$ for 4-6"
WOW- Thanks Jason... High praise from you... now point me to those
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Prices for Festae vary from source to source and quality. I agree that jay got one heck of a deal on his. I know people that would pay 4-500$ for his pair. But he would most likely list them for 2-300$ which is a killer deal. Usually Festae run 10$ per inch till they start to color up and then can run 45-100$ for 4-6"
About a year ago I bought 3 festae ~3" for $15 each, I was hoping at least 1 would turn out female. Unfortunately they all turned out to be males.