thanks for the kind gesture bro but its ok...bro IoStrisciare is meeting me tmr in CCK & passing me d decals n bracelets...
marc_ramirez said:thanks for the kind gesture bro but its ok...bro IoStrisciare is meeting me tmr in CCK & passing me d decals n bracelets...
U can find some at JE217....Eight Star Aquarium.marc_ramirez said:bro RockyGoldy, i got a question, since yr d only one prob here u know where to get juvenile Peacock bass from?..any LFS ard North or western part of SG??>..
no prob.marc_ramirez said:ok thanks..anyways just got my tank decals & d bracelet..the decal looks perfect on my tank, will try to post some pics....thanks sg moderators..
yes u can.option said:i just join MFK site,can i just go dwn to Cichlid Forever to collect the decals?