ExtraMe;4914836; said:
hey Brucki, wat kind of floating plants do you use in your tank?
I use Pistia stratiotes very often, I think the english name is "water lettuce".
This plant is really easy growing (very often grows better than I want and spreads over the whole water surface).
But in Somje tanks the lighting ist too low for most plants , even for this easy one. So I have Anubia growing pieces of driftwood, and the leaves of the plants grow outside the water and give cover from above.
And I often use whats in german called "Efeutute", the Epipremnun:
Very easy to handle, just cut branches off and put them on a floating piece of cork bark, or let it just hang the roots inti the water. Grows not as fast as Pistia, but eats lots of Nitrates just as pistia.
In some tanks I have this plant:
But not as surface plant, I put in the roots or just a piece from the plant without roots, the leafs outside the water and it grows and takes out lots of nitrates, too.
The roots look great and the fish like to hide in them. But as you see its a big growing plant, you need to have space over the tank.