Shark Egg: Round Two

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in awhile.
Around the time I stopped updating, I had a bad ich outbreak in the main system, and instead of quarantining sick fish and treating them in a separate tank; I removed everything that would be affected by copper and treated the system itself. Little did I know, once copper is in your system, it's a major pain in the butt to get back out.
So, I've lost most of my fish in this ordeal.
All that I have left is the bamboo shark, 3 damsels, both of my toadfish, the horseshoe crab, some starfish, a watchman goby, one conch, and three half-dead corals.
After months of cleansing the system with tons of Chemipure and Cuprisorb, I finally have removed nearly all of the copper, and am still continuing to try to remove copper just to be on the safe side.

Currently, the shark is in the 30 gallon portion of the system all by himself. He is about 7.5-8" long, very active, and very hungry. I'll probably keep him here for a couple months until he is big enough to live with the toads, without the chance of getting eaten.

There is no light or plants down in the refugium as of right now. It's kind of just wasted space for the time being.
My entire filtration system is a horrific mess at the moment

The 75 gallon portion of the system has all of the inverts, watchman and damsels, minus the horseshoe. Not much is going on in there, but I do have some big plans for the tank in the near future, once I have some extra cash

The 220 has both of my toads, and the horseshoe. My largest toad is nearly 9-10" long and is incredibly fat and active at night.

And other than that, I've upgraded from instant ocean salt, to reef crystals, and I'm now using TropicalScience's MarineMax Disease Prevention and Life Extending formula and Bio-Boost in my tanks. Pretty good stuff, I must say. It worth the money

It's not much of an update, but it's something for anyone who may have been interested.
I'm hoping that the following updates will be better as I pull this setup out of the deep slump it was in

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The larger of my two toads, Leon, the 9" Oyster Toad, loves to swim all night long and for at least half an hour after the lights are turned on in the morning. It's very odd to see a bottom dwelling, camouflaged, ambush predator like this out and swimming like a normal fish. I'll have to get a video of it to show how awkward/beautiful it is

Tigre, the 7" orange toadfish, is a normal toad and spends most of his days and nights hiding in a hole that he dug out, rarely swimming out into open water.


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Thanks for the update. Toads and shark look good. What are you feeding your shark?

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I buy raw fish, squid, shrimp, etc. from an Asian fish market whenever I'm in that area.
So some reason, he isn't all that partial to squid. He really loves the brains and guts of shrimp though.
So I buy the whole shrimp instead of the tails, and I pull out the meaty part on the inside of the heads (it normally comes out in one big chunk; brains, guts and all) and I put all of the individual heads into ice trays and keep them in the freezer. So whenever I'm about to feed him, I can just pull out one head at a time and give him half of it (because he's still too small for a whole one (I buy big shrimp... Lol)). And then, I have the tails to keep for myself to eat. Although I still keep a few tails to feed the shark.
But, I do mix in other things into his diet like squid, crab, and fish.
Hell, I even fed him a piece of lobster a few weeks ago. He's living like royalty haha.

As for the toads, I'm having trouble finding foods for them. They are very odd in that their food preferences change periodically.
Once you finally find a food that they'll eat steadily and reliably, they'll suddenly decide they don't like it anymore and want something new. They're like stubborn children.
For example, they have been eating shrimp like crazy for weeks, and then two days ago they changed their minds and refuse to eat shrimp anymore. So now I have to find something new for them

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