Elasmo Exotics stock list 1/16
leopard shark (Triakis semifasciata) 36-40" $1,500
Atlantic smoothhounds (Mustelus mustelus) 30" $349.99
Epaulette (Hemiscyllium ocellatum) 30" Male $449.99
Cownose ray (Rhinoptera bonasus) 14-16" $499.99 (special)
Ornate wobbegong (Orectolobus ornatus) 18-24" $399.99
Dwarf spotted wobbegong (Orectolobus parvimaculatus) 30" $599.99
Captive breed Arabian catshark eggs $59.99
Marbled cat shark (atelomycterus macleayi) 12-15" $79.99
Brown banded (Chiloscyllium punctatum) 12-15" $74.99
Elasmo Exotic Specials
Bull shark pup (Carcharhinus leucas) 32-34" $10,000
This is the only Bull shark in the U.S that is up for sale to private aquarium owners. This pup has been shipped into the U.S from over seas and prof of origin is available and will be given to the purchaser. This shark will only be sold to an experience hobbyist that we feel can sufficiently handle this animal. The price also includes personal ground transportation depending on location. Please email me at blacktip17@gmail.com with any questions.
Captive breed chain catshark pups (Scyliorhinus retifer) $499.99
We are currently the only ones in the U.S collecting and breeding these sharks. This is because Chain catsharks are a deep water shark and are collected roughly 60miles off shore in depths ranging from 600-1200ft. We will have adults available for sale sometime this winter. Our chain catsharks are available at 55-75F.
Short tail nurse shark (Pseudoginglymostoma brevicaudatum) $1,200
We currently have one pair available
Zebra Horn Shark (Hetereodontus zebra) $2,500 (special)
(contact blacktip17@gmail.com if interested in having something collected for you)
leopard shark (Triakis semifasciata) 36-40" $1,500
Atlantic smoothhounds (Mustelus mustelus) 30" $349.99
Epaulette (Hemiscyllium ocellatum) 30" Male $449.99
Cownose ray (Rhinoptera bonasus) 14-16" $499.99 (special)
Ornate wobbegong (Orectolobus ornatus) 18-24" $399.99
Dwarf spotted wobbegong (Orectolobus parvimaculatus) 30" $599.99
Captive breed Arabian catshark eggs $59.99
Marbled cat shark (atelomycterus macleayi) 12-15" $79.99
Brown banded (Chiloscyllium punctatum) 12-15" $74.99
Elasmo Exotic Specials
Bull shark pup (Carcharhinus leucas) 32-34" $10,000
This is the only Bull shark in the U.S that is up for sale to private aquarium owners. This pup has been shipped into the U.S from over seas and prof of origin is available and will be given to the purchaser. This shark will only be sold to an experience hobbyist that we feel can sufficiently handle this animal. The price also includes personal ground transportation depending on location. Please email me at blacktip17@gmail.com with any questions.
Captive breed chain catshark pups (Scyliorhinus retifer) $499.99
We are currently the only ones in the U.S collecting and breeding these sharks. This is because Chain catsharks are a deep water shark and are collected roughly 60miles off shore in depths ranging from 600-1200ft. We will have adults available for sale sometime this winter. Our chain catsharks are available at 55-75F.
Short tail nurse shark (Pseudoginglymostoma brevicaudatum) $1,200
We currently have one pair available
Zebra Horn Shark (Hetereodontus zebra) $2,500 (special)
(contact blacktip17@gmail.com if interested in having something collected for you)