• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Short advice & what can i keep my snakehead with ??

kocur;2567413; said:
now in my tank for 1,5 week.

Channa Marulidoes (40 cm)
Giant Gourami (30 cm)
3 x Chitala Ornata / Knife fish (25-30 cm)

and its work
this tank is awesome, more pics please! :)
Oh boy i think i just got in over my head joining this site. I hope one day i know as much as you guys do about big fish. I see im going to be learning alot from you all
Could a dwarf species be kept with plecos and other larger but more peaceful cats???
Thedaniokeeper;2873050; said:
Could a dwarf species be kept with plecos and other larger but more peaceful cats???

as long as the placo or catfish is larger then it can work , what you do not want to happen is for a channa to think it could eat a cat as it will try to and most likley get the dorsal spines stuck and die trying ,

other things to consider is if the placos / cats have babbies same thing may happen when the channa eat the babbies , and if trying to breed the channa then they may not see the pleco as a threat at all and allow them to eat any eggs.

it would really depend on what you where trying to acheive in your setup i.e. breeding or show tank and the fish in question , i.e. which dwarf snakehead , remember the majority of dwarfs are sub tropical and so not good in a tropical tank with pleco / cats ect , some dwarfs are peacefull but some can be real nasty to any other fish (i.e. bankanensis)

cheers col
have thread in ca cichlids, guessing my idea to grow up a young jag and young bleheri together would be a bad idea. both 4", the jags growth rate should outstrip the channa.

reading this it may still try to eat the jag whatever size?