I had a flathead for a couple years, awesome awesome fish, he would come up to the surface to eat whole shrimp or shad right out of my hand. Instead of hiding on the bottom, he would often find spots and stay completely vertical in corners. But by the end of this fish species experiment it had gotten bad, as soon as the lights went out I would start to hear thuds. Immediately in predator mode. He was very shy with people at night, quick to hide, almost like a dog looking up to the kitchen counter at a steak, then looking over at me and I'm staring right at him like don't even think about it and then he goes and lays down on his bed. Changed the light settings but he had already turned into a monster. The fish was fun don't get me wrong, especially sub 12". But as he grew, he ate couple smaller Longear and Greens and killed but not swallowed a couple more natives. It was only a matter of time before the tank exploded so he was rehomed at 18". I would definitely keep one again. Nothing like a Channel or Blue. More similar to a Mudcat, great aquarium fish, and if you have never caught one of those before, lip it like a Bass and then get back to me.
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