Show Us The Different Species of African Rift Lake Cichlids..

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Featherfins are awesome fish. I currently keep some foai from Cape Kachese. In the past I had furcifer ruziba. Amazing fish.....even if only one or two look like that in a 125 gal...the rest look like minnows lol
Believe it or not, I own one, a young male. They are a psudo-Victorian, well, they look like a Vic but they are from Lake Chilwa and Lake Malawi. A renown fish guru once told me that they are the blue-print or ancestor of the first haplochromine in Lake Victoria? I was also told that they are super aggressive, but mine is a real wimp, but he is still small so maybe he turns into a tiger at full adulthood. I'll try to get some shots of him.

Awesome, didn't know that
WOW!! Thanks Clownfish for keeping this thread alive. I never seen this on here until today. I will post some of mine, not sure if they are on here or not I just looked at the last couple of pages.

Aulonocara Sp. Chitande Type Masinje (Wild Caught) Male
Aulonocara Sp. Chitande Type North Male Nkhata Bay "Yellowhead" (Spawning colors, Only time I have seen the black under his mouth)
Aulonocara Ethelwynnae Chitande Male



WOW!! Thanks Clownfish for keeping this thread alive. I never seen this on here until today. I will post some of mine, not sure if they are on here or not I just looked at the last couple of pages.

Aulonocara Sp. Chitande Type Masinje (Wild Caught) Male
View attachment 725198
Aulonocara Sp. Chitande Type North Male Nkhata Bay "Yellowhead" (Spawning colors, Only time I have seen the black under his mouth)
View attachment 725199
Aulonocara Ethelwynnae Chitande Male
View attachment 725200

Beautiful cichlids!! Thanks for sharing Alton
I guess it isn't fair that I don't contribute and keep telling others to post some pics of their africans to keep this thread here ya are crap though, sorry

1st pic - Yellow Lab
2nd pic - Red Empress
3rd pic - Electric Blue Ahli

My phone doesn't capture the beautiful colors of my red empress...

When my baby kyoga flameback's and yellow tail acei are bigger, I will post pics :)

...and I will post pics of my breeding pair of red empress and red top zebra when my 120g is setup



Thanks Clownknife and nice Cichlids your self!
My new cichlid :).....Venustus! (Sorry for water marks on the glass...forgot to clean b4 taking pics)


Moved all my cichlids I had in one of my 75g's to the 120g last night! My cichlids are so much happier. They love the sand a lot more than the gravel I had in the 75g :)



Well, I assumed he was a venustus but I've found out hes a nimbochromis livingstonii. I can definitely tell venustus and livingstonii apart now :)

Nice venustus RD