Show Us The Different Species of African Rift Lake Cichlids..

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
well keep up the good work...

Thx Red Devil. I had a Collie whn growing up great dogs
Plz,im not bosting but im just gettn started W the fish ive had many species since ive Gotten back in the hobby 3 yrs ago. . My thing is the thrill of the search to find a rare species. I know where to look but theres some u just cant find. For instance. Aulonocara blue jakes..thats so not available. Huntnn for that . Only one place ive seen .but no stock. . Well good chatn w you. Nice to talk to a friendly .been roughed up alil in the sales side. Lol.
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Reactions: Red Devil
Love my collie..this guy was the easiest to train... and so two dobies are great dogs but hard to train,,,and so smart they train you.. I had a very large African collection..most are dying off from old age..and other types... enjoy your beauties!
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Reactions: Rudeboy
okay I will try here goes... I will give pic number then name...
1-Aulonocara stuartgranti
3-Neolamprologus Birchardi
6-Buffalo Head/Hump head not africans
9-black calvus
10-black calvus
13-black calvus not same one
14-black calvus not same one
15-blue Dolphine-Cyrtocara moorii
16-Aulonocara sp. "Stuartgranti Maleri"
17-male Neolamprologus leleupi
18-Haplochromis/Protomelas taeniolatus-female
19-female-Aulonocara stuartgranti
20-Aulonocara sp. "Stuartgranti Maleri"
22-Julidochromis transcriptus “Gombi”
23- same
24- Julidochromis marlieri
25-leleupi again
26-male-Haplochromis/Protomelas taeniolatus
27Aulonocara "German Red"
28lil black one in back is-Aulonocara maylandi and a bunch of the mixed julies
29-female-Aulonocara sp. "Stuartgranti Maleri" (Maleri Is.) have a few young males too

not pictured- are few other peacocks- including a bicolor peacock and a few others that I am not sure about at this moment I have it written somewhere...

buffalo head are african