So I came home last night to a little surprise, my "male" ob peacock was holding, was kinda disappointed since I've gotten the most colored and long finned one out of the tank, but grabbed the fishnet and fished her out while they were still in that drunk sleepy state, put her in a bag and returned her to the lfs for an exchange this morning.
Got this male, which looks alot daker and colorful and has alot more blue speckles throughout the body:
Here's what the female looked like:
I also traded in 4 peacock juvies, some male (which were around 2"-2.5" and lacked alot of color), some female for this, around 4", maleri maleri, a little beat up from being in a fryeri tank, but is growing his fins back to normal:
And just a little update on a few others,
The juvie ngara is getting alot of the yellow on his belly now, so just thought I'd snap a few:
And the ruby red: