Show Us The Different Species of African Rift Lake Cichlids..

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
There are so many different types and species and i want to learn all about them.. so please post to show off and post to educate.. if you have any info you want to know ask and if you have info to go along with your pictures please add with your picture.. also lets see your african set ups..heres a few of mine..
Here’s a vid of my current Aulonocara tank and vid of an older mixed lake tank.
The first one is an all male Aulonocara tank I set up in early March so they’re still juvies
This one is one I did a couple years ago, I sold these guys off when I got the oddball itch, but now I miss them lol it’s mostly tangs and haps with a couple mbuna
You all have some very nice fish and great photos. I just love the rostratus. Here is my 75 Hap tank.
Very cool, Taiwan’s are probably my favorite Hap
I used to look at life as a fish collector, always looking for something rare exotic and beautiful, regardless of the cost or trouble involved. But I was always heartbroken when I lost one of those fish.
Nowadays I raise more fish than ever, and I don’t worry about the ones that I lose because there are hundreds more to occupy my thoughts.

I now I have an African Cichlid hybrid living with my Oscar. They seem to be getting along famously. I call him Little Butterfish, and he is the hybrid offspring of King Buttercup and mama Leeloo

He is only about 4.5” long while Felix is nearly 13”.
Whenever I look at that photograph, I realize how much I hate the little plastic pirate ships.

But they were given to me by my family and of course I must keep them.

Every time I look at the tank, Felix has moved it to a different position and so I figured it is his toy and I will let him play with it to his hearts delight.
my Mbuma tank

55 Gallon

African Mbuma Tank

3 Ice Blue Zebras ( 1 Albino)

3 Yellow Labs

4 Kenyi

1 Snow White socofoli

5 synodontis featherfin catfish

Filteration Etc.

Fake Plants, Red White and Blue Gravel, Lots of driftwood and caves

200w Marineland Neptune Heater

2 Penguin biowheel 200s

1 Rena Filstar xp2

1 maxijet Powerhead

the last two are A pic of my jag at 5-6 inches and a recent pic of my serevum !

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Very helpful.
A bump for a great old thread, here's a cool cichlid tank we saw in Myrtle Beach on vacation at the Ripley aquarium. If anyone can id the larger striped ones or the bright orange ones I'd appreciate it, the display wasn't labeled with species. The yellow labs were an easy one though. 20230613_113738.jpg
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A bump for a great old thread, here's a cool cichlid tank we saw in Myrtle Beach on vacation at the Ripley aquarium. If anyone can id the larger striped ones or the bright orange ones I'd appreciate it, the display wasn't labeled with species. The yellow labs were an easy one though. View attachment 1521424
Nice! Are those maison reefs?
Perhaps, they look pretty close. I think the ones in the tank have yellow trails and fin tips that i don't see in pics online of maison reef cichlids but I'm very unfamiliar with them, could be...