Show your Plecos Here !!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
lol, Tigriuns sorry to do this again man, but I that fish is L114 or Pseudacanthicus leopardus. Beautiful pleco
Nothing out of the ordinary, but I have the feeling it's the start of a new obbsession with plecos

it's pretty small at the moment, here are a few of my panaques

One of my L190

wow gorgeous plecos...unbelievable.. my plain sweet huge old huge guy..and the second pic is the best pleco i have ever owned.. we put him in every tank we own.. he cleans them up and we take him out and he cleans the next one.. and we feed him good too.. he just does what plecos do but to the extreme and enjoys all the visiting.. never shy.,great pleco even if he is a common...:D