• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Show your Plecos Here !!

ok i finally got a good dorsal shot for you guys.

Just got these guys on the weekend. Now I think I'm gonna visit the LFS for more. :)

Bristlenose Pleco


Albino Bristlenose Pleco


After getting these, I did some research on Plecos and didn't realize how many different types there are! Now to see what I can get. :D
Heres my plec what kind is it? i have kept Peckoltia species some oto's and pseudancistrus leopardus, banjo's and thats it.

Cópia de P3180040.JPG
check this fat guy



he/she was 5" or so four months back
and his diet has been the algae in the pond, spinach, cucumber, sometimes takes my chiclid pellets, have tried papaya but i guess he didn't like it
he lives in a 900g pond along with a few african chiclids(the pond is filled with africans) and 12 GTs (1.5"-4") growing out for the all GT tank
wonderfully phat. Watch that fence. Don't want to see him end up like that priest did in 'the omen'!