Well, here are my 2 plecs and whiptail. Theyre nothing special as far as color goes, and theyre pretty cheap/common, but i love em.
The clown plec (never comes out, but i knew that would happen when i bought him... pretty impressive odontodes for a 1.5 inch plec.) -
i love these clowns too... i have one... and i know he is in there.... i may get to see him in a few months... haha... but when i do see him ..it is a treat....
the bn (he is ~2.5" SL, and already has bristles growing all around his lip, on his snout, and on his forehead! oh yeah, and hes a common, A. cf. cirrhosus.) -
very nice Bristol nose.. looks big and lots of whiskers.. most likely male..
and the whiptail (i believe it's rineloricaria parva, but im not positive. this is the only place he stays during the day.) -