Show your Plecos Here !!

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need some help I bought this pleco a year or so ago and the store didn't know what species and he was one of my favorite but he passed away recently.can anyone please tell me what pleco it is.the one on the left side

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Spotted my two largest royals or together tonight, good chance to photograph them (almost) side by side showing the different patterns.



Here are some of my plecos from the past three years - L25's, blue eyed and you will see the rest. L330 was the biggest one I've owned next to my L24 at 15".

1 of 3 L600 8 - 10 in.JPG


BEP front view.JPG

Big L27 Thunder - 9in.JPG

Goldie L14 -12 in.JPG

Head shot of L330.JPG



L25 - 7pt - 10in female.JPG

L600 L114 and L137.JPG

LDA105 #2.JPG

Luteus Phase 3 (2).JPG
I have a lot more but these were some of my favorites - I think I have a slight addiction!! Keeps me around the house and my wife knows where I am!!