Show your Plecos Here !!

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Please could someone tell me what type of pleco I have. I adopted him about 2 months ago and he is gorgeous. He is about 8 inches long and when he is out and about he has beautifull leopard markings and when he is hiding he goes all camaflauged and looks like he has an army print on him. please could someone tell me what my baby is as I would like to know As i think he is something special.




Looks like a beautiful "Sailfin pleco", probably L083 Glyptoperichthys gibbiceps. According to the Aqualog L book they get around 30cm, but he Baltimore aquarium has one MUCH bigger.
Busted one of these guys scouring for food. Hard to photograph because they run off when I grab my camera. Yep, I got 'tea water'. Mmmmm, the magic of driftwood :frog:

Yea they get much bigger, closer to 18". I love the tannings, just makes life even harder to photograph them. Great shots. I want some slate in my tank too. hmm.
Thanks for helping me identify him. Ive been feeding him cucumber and algae wafers. What else can i give him to eat. Someone suggested potato, carrott and brocoli. Do I need to cook these or do they eat it raw.
hey Davo. I looked at the pics of your plecos. You have some lovely ones. Whats the pic you have of the black and white one (by your name) He looks gorgeous.
conormojo;705411;705411 said:
Thanks for helping me identify him. Ive been feeding him cucumber and algae wafers. What else can i give him to eat. Someone suggested potato, carrott and brocoli. Do I need to cook these or do they eat it raw.
Basically any veggie is fine, raw is best.
conormojo;705412;705412 said:
hey Davo. I looked at the pics of your plecos. You have some lovely ones. Whats the pic you have of the black and white one (by your name) He looks gorgeous.
L260 Queen arabesque.